at ease

The Steele Maiden: At Ease
While I’d like to pretend that I’m as at ease right now as these pictures indicate (taken last weekend, when it still felt like we had plennnttyyy of time left in LA), I’ve actually been a much more scattered version of myself these last couple of days.  There’s some huge things on the horizon in the next few weeks that I cannot wait to share with you all.. but the logistics of getting there first are more than a little unnerving.  To channel a mental calm, an outfit this easygoing surely can’t hurt.  I’m usually not this casual style-wise but a mix of seriously comfortable short overalls, ankle boots and a cargo vest (last seen here) will be perfect for our cross country road trip that kicks off next Friday.  Who’s placing bets on how many states we’ll cross before I’ll have to surrender my bare legs to tights again?

The Steele Maiden: At Ease

The Steele Maiden: At Ease

The Steele Maiden: At Ease

The Steele Maiden: At Ease

The Steele Maiden: At Ease