
Between work and life (and in my case a new job and a new home), it’s easy to have the holidays pass you right by…  

In an effort to start traditions in our new home I decided to make an advent calendar of activities, each ornament holding a single task.  Some are simple (share a favorite Christmas memory) and some are grander (go ice skating – a real feat for Southern California), but all are fun and meant for the boy and I to take time to enjoy sharing this time of year together.  Inspired by the lovely blog Oh Happy Day and based on these templates by Mini-Eco I set about making these simple little card stock ornaments (download the template, cut, decorate and fill with a little treat).  Totally easy, but also time consuming.  The happiness we’ve already gotten from just 2 days worth of these little ornaments though?  Worth every minute.  If you missed December 1 and getting in your full 25 days worth, make them for the 7 days of Hanukah or the 12 days of Christmas instead!

Follow me on Instagram to see all my #25daysofChristmas and #ChristmasinCali adventures! 
