
White Elephant, Secret Santa, Family Gift Exchange?  All potential traps for too generic or overly specific gifts…

Think useful, unisex, and unique and you can be sure that you’re giving something anyone would love to have.  My ideas below to get you started:

Nest: You may not know their personal decorating style, but almost everyone has an iphone or ipod these days and would appreciate a pretty way to store and charge it in an entryway or on a nightstand.  These iPhone docking stations from Etsy will be a hit in a friendly White Elephant exchange.

Dressed: Some put socks in the dreaded holiday gift category but I feel just the opposite.  Socks are one of those things that I love having a new pair or but rarely treat myself to.  A set of Happy Socks are cheerful, unisex (when bought in the right patterns and colors) and a simple enough gift that pretty much any co-worker in a Secret Santa situation wouldn’t mind getting.

The Rest: A Family Gift Exchange can leave you wondering what on earth your Aunt and Uncle would actually want for under $50.  I love the idea of giving an activity instead of a tangible gift that may not be used.  Scour sites like Groupon or Living Social (where I found this wine tasting tour for two) for a voucher that can be redeemed on a number of flexible dates at a location in their area.  It’s the perfect thing that can be enjoyed at their convenience and will end up being far more memorable than a gift card to the mall.