Over the course of the past 6+ weeks (how has it been that long?!) of working from home I’ve developed a simple formula that gets me ready for Zoom meetings in less than 5 minutes flat. Most of the time I spend the days in a simple pair of jeans and t-shirt anyway – but when I know I need to be camera ready for a conference call I throw on a great blazer and add one distinct accessory. A pretty scarf, headband that helps to hide my incessantly growing roots or a layered necklace. That’s it, and I instantly feel put together and presentable. I highly suggest it the next time your boss suddenly wants to Facetime.
*All blazers picture above gifted from my friends at Talbots. They’re my go to for a great quality blazer at a good price. Striped and linen are from past seasons, gingham and chambray are current season.