daily routine

The Steele Maiden: Daily Routine
My typical weekday daily routine involves some variation of what you are seeing here.  While it remains blissfully warm here in LA (and to all those shivering in the Midwest and up and down the East Coast right now please try and stay warm.. and don’t hate my bare legs) I still like to feel as if I’m dressing for ‘winter’.  So a sweater, skirt and ankle boots do the trick in my fairly casual office.  These boots were picked up during Sole Society’s post holiday sale and are an updated replacement to an old beloved pair I’d all but worn to shreds.  Not only are they supremely comfortable, but I like that I can also pair them with these trouser socks which I stole borrowed from Adam’s drawer.  My new haircut is the curveball in my morning routine but so far it’s been fun to play around with the versatility of these longer length bangs (worn here with a center part and yesterday with a side sweep). 
The Steele Maiden: Daily Routine
The Steele Maiden: Daily Routine
The Steele Maiden: Daily Routine
The Steele Maiden: Daily Routine
The Steele Maiden: Daily Routine
The Steele Maiden: Daily Routine

10 Replies to “daily routine”

  1. the print of that bag is super cute! and I know I said it on Instagram already, but it’s worth repeating – this haircut is seriously fab. the length looks so great on you!

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