follow the voyage

The Steele Maiden: Follow the Journey
And we’re off! For the next 6 days I’ll be on the road from coast to coast and sharing what I’m wearing (which with a 50+ degree temperature swing presented quite the packing challenge) and what I’m seeing along the way.  I’ll have regularly scheduled posts here for you next week, but in the meantime – follow along on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook so you don’t miss a thing! And if you really want to keep up with the whole journey, search for #steelemaidenvoyages – until then, I’ll be headed East.  

new york photo diary

The Steele Maiden: New York Photo DiaryI’ve already shared with you what I wore while I was in New York (here and here) but there was still so much to share I thought I’d post a quick photo diary!  The city always manages to sweep me up in it’s fast pace, so aside from Lucky FABB I also did quite of bit of dining, exploring, meeting up with friends and making new ones.  The conference itself – one day of which was held in the Conde Nast building, meaning I was just 9 short floors beneath the headquarters of Vogue Magazine – left me feeling more inspired than ever to devote myself to this little corner of the internet.  So many of the amazing speakers reverberated the same sentiment to success “Work Hard and Be Nice to People”.  And when I think of some of the bloggers I met that I’ve admired for years now, they are proof positive of this lesson.  Besides the conference, I also had the pleasure of attending a brunch hosted by Seychelles and BC Footwear over the weekend.  A room filled with some of my favorite bloggers, tasty treats and beautiful shoes? Basically the best way to spend a Saturday ever.  New York, you never disappoint.
The Steele Maiden: New York Photo Diary
The Steele Maiden: New York Photo Diary