Travel Guide to Amsterdam - what to see and where to go

Whether your New Year’s resolution was to travel more or you’re just hoping to get ahead of the game – January is always my favorite time to start to dream about and ultimately begin to plan travel for the coming months. Since I follow a pretty specific game plan when it comes to making my far-flung fantasies a reality, I thought it might be helpful to share.

Step One: I like to begin here – on my Pinterest board of bucket list destinations near and far. I try to start to pick out a few that seem fairly doable (based on distance, expense, etc.) and one or two ‘reach’ destinations (that will require more savings, travel and time off work). I call these top picks my “wander-list” for the year.

White cutout top and white denim shorts, lakeside weekend getaway

Step Two: Next I look to my calendar and hone in on any locked in dates (this could be a friend’s upcoming wedding or a business trip) and also any locked out dates (a month that will be particularly busy at the office for instance).

Step Three: Begin to make matches between your “wander-list” and your calendar. I always do this with Google Maps open. Is that wedding only a short driving distance from a new city you’ve been meaning to check out? If you’re taking a long international flight, is there a day trip you could make while you’re there? This is also a good time to think strategically about scoring off-season prices or overlapping your trip with major local events (like Jazz Fest in New Orleans or Oktoberfest in Amsterdam).  Weather is also a huge factor here.. think New York in the Fall or Paris in the Spring. I always take the time to research things like average rainfall for my destination during the month I’m looking to visit. While rainy days don’t necessarily equal a bad trip, I like to know what I’m getting into ahead of time.

NYC Central Park Bow Bridge wearing Talbots quilted vest and scarf

Step Four: Once I’ve made matches and decided on destinations, I use Google Docs to make a to-do list and Google Calendar to create a coordinating time frame. The Google Doc makes it easy to add names of accommodations and additional details such as transportation or activity reservations as I make them (and share them with your travel buddies).  And the Calendar is helpful for setting reminders on when to actually pull the trigger and book. Is it an international flight? I’ve found between 3-4 months out to be the sweet spot for finding the best deals while I allow no less than 1 month for domestic flights. Plus, if I know I’ve got 6 more months to save before I need to book a flight it makes it so much easier for me to make a realistic plan for doing so.

Step Five: Book away. I like to use Google Flights for initial searches and then usually hop over to Expedia to compare actual flights/book. As far as accommodations, I’m a huge fan of AirBnB for access to a more ‘local’ vibe and you usually get more space for your buck. Plus things like a kitchen or washer/dryer (if you’re going to be gone for more than a week or are traveling with little ones) can really come make all the difference. However if a luxe resort at a tropical locale or a hip little boutique hotel downtown are the style you’re shooting for – I love searching Tablet for ideas first and then comparing prices and reading additional reviews at Trip Advisor.

Things to see, where to stay, what to do - A Travel Guide to Prague, Czech Republic

Happy travels!


Printed blouse, cardigan and Sole Society over the knee riding boots

2015 – you were quite a year. While not without its ups and downs, when I look back at this year on the whole I feel incredibly grateful for everything that it brought. To be completely honest with you, at this time last year I was thinking of throwing in the towel on this little blog. But instead I decided to redesign and refocus and I can’t tell you how happy I am that I did. And how happy I am that all of you have stuck around for the ride. There have been so many cool opportunities that came our way this year (remember when we met Taylor Swift?!) that made every second Adam and I spend on this labor of love completely worth it. So thank you, for every comment, visit and follow. For giving us a reason to always want to plan new stories, shoot new content and seek out new fashionable journeys. Here’s to 2016. I have a feeling it’s going to be a good one. Below – a roundup of my favorite places and posts from the past year. Click on the photos to see the original posts. Continue reading “2015: A YEAR IN REVIEW”


Travel Guide to Amsterdam - what to see and where to go

I originally had this post planned for earlier in the week, but in light of the recent tragedy in Paris – talking about how great my own international travels had been just seemed insensitive. But I thought twice about it since then and realized that now is exactly the time to see the beauty of travel and the good in the world around us. So without further preface, my complete guide to Amsterdam. Continue reading “TRAVEL GUIDE TO AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS”


Carry-on travel beauty essentials

At home, I rely on a pretty basic beauty routine – but when I’m traveling I find my skin/hair/everything is put through the wringer. Airplane air, less sleep, change in diet, it all adds up and after years of arriving at my destination thinking ‘I wish I had something for…’ I finally think I’ve perfected my carry-on beauty bag. Below, what’s going to make the cut this trip and exactly why.


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Travel Inspiration: Verdon Gorge, France

Happy Sunday friends! I like to spend Sundays drawing inspiration for the next week ahead and this shade of blue (as seen in the Verdon Gorge, France) feels like the quintessential hue of Summer. A color that I’ll have to symbolically wave goodbye to soon. Ahead – a few things that are helping ease that particular summertime sadness… Continue reading “5 MINUTE ESCAPE”