The Steele Maiden: Travel to Barcelona, SpainHellloooo weekend! While I may not be jetting back to Barcelona (as pictured above from my visit back in 2008) any time soon, it’s supposed to be in the high 70s tomorrow (!!!) and I’ve got a brand new pair of sandals just waiting for a fresh pedicure and some of that sunshine. So I’ll take New York. Also ahead of me this weekend? A smooth 13.1 mile run. Here’s hoping all of that half marathon training has paid off. A few more things on my radar… Continue reading “5 MINUTE ESCAPE”


Hair Fix: Hairstyles for Every Earring

Maybe even more so than a great necklace, I’ve realllyyy got a thing for earrings. But with so many different shapes and sizes (don’t even get me started on how long it took me to explain what an ear jacket was to Adam..), it’s good to have a few simple hairstyles mastered that let each pair really shine. So I teamed up with AOL’s StyleList to show you just that.


The most dramatic, these always call to mind Old Hollywood glam for me – even if you’re dressing them down. I like to do a deep side part, soft curls and pin just one side back to let the earring really show. (p.s. hover over each pair for more info)


Small on size but not on style, these are perfect for everything from the office to your weekend runaround. I like to pair mine with an equally no fuss hairstyle like a half pulled back look. Don’t worry if a few face framing pieces fall out, it adds to the throw it on and go feel.


Long and full of movement, these styles beg to shake it off on the dance floor. Or at the very least, be seen. They already call attention to your face (making them perfect for a romantic date!) so I like to let linear or tassel styles be the focus and pair with a sleek, low ponytail. Extra points if you wrap the ponytail holder with a small piece of hair from underneath!


The Steele Maiden: Spring Beauty Routine with Prescriptives Foundation, Bobbi Brown and Smashbox CosmeticsFor longer than I’d like to admit I was pretty intimidated by the thought of switching up my make-up routine.  But sometimes pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can yield some pretty good results. And when you have help from actual experts? All the better.


Continue reading “SPRING BEAUTY ROUTINE”