The Steele Maiden: Romantic Fall style with Anthropologie and Ralph Lauren Fragrance

Of all the places that Adam and I go to escape on the weekends, our neighboring hometowns in the PA countryside is still one of our favorites. It’s the place where we first met and when the air turns crisp, the leaves start to change and the cornfields are full.. there’s just alway something that feels special about coming back here. While I’m usually a jeans and t-shirt girl back home, I was inspired by the classic scent of Ralph Lauren Romance to get a little dressed up, spread out some cozy blankets and take a quiet moment for just the two of us after a busy week in the city.


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Prepping for NYFW with Marie-Lou & D Salon in Soho, New York

We’re just a day away from the official kick-off of NYFW and aside from pulling outfits, I always make time for a bit of beauty prep before the madness begins. This year I headed to Soho to check out Marie-Lou & D salon. Decorated by a French designer who usually sticks to chateaus, the interior reads more like a chic and inviting Parisian pied-à-terre rather than a stuffy salon (aka my worst nightmare).

Prepping for NYFW with Marie-Lou & D Salon in Soho, New York Prepping for NYFW with Marie-Lou & D Salon in Soho, New York Prepping for NYFW with Marie-Lou & D Salon in Soho, New York

One of my favorite parts of Marie-Lou & D is that they offer just about everything. For someone who is always short on time – that means I was able to freshen up my hair color at the same time that I got a glossy new manicure (I went with this color for Fashion Week). Did I mention I was sipping a glass of Prosecco at the same time? Now that’s multi-tasking.

Prepping for NYFW with Marie-Lou & D Salon in Soho, New York Prepping for NYFW with Marie-Lou & D Salon in Soho, New York

The result? A brighter, blonder color for Fall that plays up the natural color the sun afforded me this summer. A year or so ago I stopped using traditional highlights and switched to using the bayalage method. That means the roots grow out slowly and naturally and I only have to go in for color about twice a year. Major win. Yoann (the stylist I used) got it just right and I left feeling ready to tackle another exciting/exhausting/exhilarating round of NYFW.

If you’re looking for a new salon in town, I highly recommend Marie-Lou & D! Try them out for yourself and mention code THESTEELEMAIDEN for a 15% off discount.

The Steele Maiden: Bayalage blonde for Fall from Marie-Lou & D Salon in Soho, New York


Labor Day Recipe - White Wine Peach and Basil Sangria

There’s always something so bittersweet about Labor Day. I hate to see Summer come to an end, but I also love kicking off Fall with a long holiday weekend. To make the most of these last few unofficial days of the season, I’m mixing up an easy recipe for White Wine Peach and Basil Sandra. Make a big batch and enjoy over a day or so – the longer it sits the better it gets!


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Labor Day Recipe - White Wine Peach and Basil Sangria

To be completely honest, I’m usually more of a beer or cocktail girl myself. But earlier in the Summer I attended an event to celebrate the launch of The Dreaming Tree collection of wines and ever since, I knew I wanted another taste. In lieu of drinking it straight (although that tastes good too) – I opted for a Sangria that could make the the most of white wine and also summer’s fruits. The Sauvignon has a nice dryness to it that paired nicely with the sweetness of the fruit – and then was tempered by the basil. All in all, an effortless drink to sip throughout the weekend. Whether you’re partying at the beach or hunkering down while Hurricane Hermine passes through. Cheers to 3 days off work!

The Dreaming Tree Sauvignon Blanc c/o | World Market Carafe | Turkish-T Towel | Stemless Glasses

Labor Day Recipe - White Wine Peach and Basil Sangria


The Steele Maiden Instagram Round-Up: Outfits, Accessories and Interiors

Reunited and it feels sooooo good! After 6 long days, countless stops in to Dr. Brendan’s (the East Village magicians/Mac doctors that diagnosed, tried, tried, tried again, and finally repaired), my laptop is safely back in my arms. With every single piece of my original data and running faster than it has since 2009. I swear if you are in New York you are wasting your time/money at the Apple Genius Bar. See my friends at Dr B’s instead (not sponsored, I’m just truly an enthusiastic customer).

Regardless, it cost me a week’s worth of posts here on the blog and I have lots to share – so I’m starting tonight with a quick little Instagram round-up from some of my favorite outfits, accessories and interiors from the past week or so. Details below and be sure to tune in this week as I bring you 5 consecutive days (I promise!) of fun new content.

LOOK 1: The coziest nook of our bedroom

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LOOK 2: An easy weekend look

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LOOK 3: From where I stand

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LOOK 4: Dockside essentials

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Spring Nautical Style with Talbots at South Street Seaport

As I write this from an ill-suited iPad, my lifeline (aka 7-year old MacBook) sits in a repair shop downtown waiting for a diagnosis. One that I hope is not fatal. I don’t have a deep attachment to many material things (sure I love my shoes but if I lost them all tomorrow I’d still count myself as very #blessed) but my laptop is different. As I sat staring/crying at it all last night when it wouldn’t boot past the home screen I started to wonder just why it was that I felt such a loss. Most of my pictures are backed up on an external hard drive.. although some pictures and graphic design work from my portfolio will undoubtably be lost. But it’s more than that.

That laptop was the first grown-up purchase I made when I graduated college. I searched for my first New York apartment on it. It contains the first email chain that Adam and I ever wrote to each other 5+ years ago. The running schedule I mapped out to complete my first half marathon. It’s what I packed (along with little else) when we packed the car and drove cross country to live in LA. And what was most crucial for the trip back to New York. And perhaps closest to my heart, where a little blog idea grew into what The Steele Maiden is today. I realized that losing it would feel like losing a piece of myself, however silly that may seem.

So send your good vibes, well wishes and happiest thoughts my way that we’re back up and running in no time. That little laptop and I still have quite a bit to share with you.