Here we are. It’s mid-May. Two months into our time at home and this week I celebrated my birthday. While it wasn’t exactly what I would have imagined this time last year, it was a nice day and will certainly be a birthday I’ll remember. The weather finally feels like it might be turning here in New York and I’m looking forward to an extra day off for Memorial Day next week – even if it’s hard to believe that’s already here. Below, a few more things on my mind before we head out into the weekend.
- While there have been many people to flee the city during this whole mess, you can always count on a few classic New Yorkers who are never going anywhere. I loved this interview with Fran Lebowitz and this interview with Chloe Sevigny on why they’ll never give up on this city. I’m with them.
- Maybe it’s their ability to hide second day hair, but my love for headbands has only grown lately. I’ve currently got my eye on this daisy version.
- After reading Normal People last summer, I’ve been watching the TV adaptation on Hulu. You can read my review of the book here (honestly, I had mixed feelings) but I do think they’ve done a great job of staying true to the book. And the Irish accents are fun to listen to! Same goes for Little Fires Everywhere, which I read and loved – my book review for it was part of my very first Steele Maiden Book Club post here! The limited series adaptation is also on Hulu and while I’m only halfway through – I think Reese Witherspoon, Kerry Washington and all of the young teen actors were cast perfectly. What else have you been watching?
- Inexplicably, despite being much more of a shoe-girl, I’ve been on a purse kick lately. My friends at Cambridge Satchel Company sent over this classic satchel in their new lily white color which I’m still swooning over and I keep eyeing this little 1960s vintage crochet bag on Etsy. Don’t beat me to it.
- By now most of you know about my enduring love for Dolly Parton. I loved this article about how one writer came to terms with her appeal to him as a young boy.
- I have a tendency to want to buy a fun purse (case in point above) but not own a single plain white crewneck t-shirt. It’s infuriating. So one of my goals for 2020 was to “invest in basics” – and make sure that my closet had the things I truly find myself reaching for week after week. I finally stocked up on some nice plain t-shirts and it gave me such a boost of happiness.
- More people live alone now than ever before in history (a fact that in better times would be a pleasant reflection on women’s economic growth) – but what does that mean in a pandemic? This round-up of people quarantining alone around the world was equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking.
- More than ever I find that I want to support small businesses right now. I’ve placed orders from: Brooklyn Candle Studio (my favorite candles), Neely & Chloe (a vintage inspired handbag company based in New York – they’re having a major sale so I finally bought a style I’d been eyeing for ages and am so impressed with the quality), Reformation (the prettiest dresses that are also sustainably made) and McNally Jackson & Strand (for books, naturally). Every little bit helps.
- If you need a pick-me-up, I highly suggest catching up on the SNL At Home episodes. Out of all of the strange little skits that the cast has thrown together from the confines of their apartments – this one with Aidy Bryant, where she digs back through some of her childhood journals, might have made me laugh the most.
- I’m all about a comfortable “house dress” at the moment and the one I’m wearing in the photo above is a new favorite. Likewise for the floral denim jacket below, which is so cute for spring/summer and looks great with a simple tee. And as always – everything is better when surrounded by fresh flowers.