The Steele Maiden: Central Park in Summer - Floral Midi Dress

There is something about Central Park in the summer that really is magic. New Yorkers bumping past tourists, picnics on the Great Lawn, entertainers buzzing through Bethesda Fountain… I love it all.


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I love that Central Park has remained virtually unchanged for the past 150 years. Meaning a century’s worth of New Yorker’s have similar summer memories. I’ll always remember Summer in Central Park like it was this past Sunday – a perfect 80 degrees, filled with the sounds of happy voices, wandering about in the most perfect floral midi dress and then pitching a blanket on the hill beside the lake (mainly so that Adam and I could laugh about the people rowing their boats backwards and bumping into one another). Speaking of this dress – I love it too and filmed ‘how to wear it 3 ways’ for IGTV. Thinking this  could be a fun way to show things easily that I otherwise don’t have time to photograph quite as grandly as when the Plaza Hotel is looming in the background.

The Steele Maiden: Central Park in Summer - Floral Midi Dress The Steele Maiden: Central Park in Summer - Floral Midi Dress The Steele Maiden: Central Park in Summer - Floral Midi Dress The Steele Maiden: Central Park in Summer - Floral Midi DressThe Steele Maiden: Central Park in Summer - Floral Midi Dress The Steele Maiden: Central Park in Summer - Floral Midi Dress The Steele Maiden: Central Park in Summer - Floral Midi Dress The Steele Maiden: Central Park in Summer - Floral Midi Dress