The Steele Maiden: Winter Blues - Blue Trousers, Velvet Heels and Striped Tee

Before I they called it Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD) – I think they just called it the Winter Blues. From which I most definitely suffer. Between the seemingly endless cold, grey days and the fact that it’s dark by 4:30PM, the winter months always leave me feeling generally a bit lackluster. So my best defense? Force myself to get outside and take advantage of any and all sun, while wearing something happy. Which for me, ironically, means the color blue.


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I’m in a dress or a skirt a majority of the year, but in winter I reach for pants mainly out of necessity. That being said, it’s kind of nice to play with a cropped trouser, long coat silhouette – especially when it’s capped off with a wildly fun pair of heels. These were a hit at the holidays, but just because that season is over doesn’t mean I was willing to put them away for the year. Anything to get me through ’til Spring, right?

Talbots Wool Coat | Striped Tee | French Connection Pleated Trousers c/o | Boden Velvet Heels c/o

The Steele Maiden: Winter Blues - Blue Trousers, Velvet Heels and Striped Tee The Steele Maiden: Winter Blues - Blue Trousers, Velvet Heels and Striped Tee The Steele Maiden: Winter Blues - Blue Trousers, Velvet Heels and Striped Tee The Steele Maiden: Winter Blues - Blue Trousers, Velvet Heels and Striped Tee The Steele Maiden: Winter Blues - Blue Trousers, Velvet Heels and Striped Tee The Steele Maiden: Winter Blues - Blue Trousers, Velvet Heels and Striped Tee