from where i stand / 05

The Steele Maiden: From Where I Stand - Shanghai(original artwork by Jessica Steele)
05/ Shanghai wearing Sperry Topsiders
In the Spring of 2010 I was sent to Eastern China on a business trip.  At the time I was designing fashion jewelry and I was to spend roughly 10 days visiting factories before having 2 days free in Shanghai.  While I was instructed to dress business casual for my factory visits, I wasn’t given much guidance in the way of my days off attire.  Thinking I would appear casual and not overly flashy, I packed a pair of Sperry Topsiders and a floral cotton sundress for a day of sightseeing.  What didn’t occur to me is that in boat shoes and Raybans (not to mention tan skin and blondish hair) I would stand out as being quite distinctly American.  Where did I think I was touring, Nantucket? After having multiple locals request to either take my picture or have their photo taken with me, I wonder what they think of now when they see a photo of a slightly bewildered American girl in Sperry’s.