All American.

I’d be lying if I said I haven’t worn red, white and blue every day so far this week.  Fourth of July just so happens to be one of my favorite holidays, and as an added bonus, it’s also my anniversary – so I figured it was the perfect time for another Boy meets Girl round up…
The Fourth of July brings together all of the classic Americana patterns I love (stripes, plaid, polka dots) and gives you the excuse to mix and match them with abandon.  For him, a plaid shirt and dark jeans are Kennedy cool, and is there any shoe more American than Chuck Taylors?  For her, a flirty little red dress proves a good starting point for shiny white heels, maybe the cutest satchel bag ever, and a pretty star spangled hair comb – perfect for keeping your hair out of your face while you stare up at the fireworks.