Labor Day Recipe - White Wine Peach and Basil Sangria

There’s always something so bittersweet about Labor Day. I hate to see Summer come to an end, but I also love kicking off Fall with a long holiday weekend. To make the most of these last few unofficial days of the season, I’m mixing up an easy recipe for White Wine Peach and Basil Sandra. Make a big batch and enjoy over a day or so – the longer it sits the better it gets!


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Labor Day Recipe - White Wine Peach and Basil Sangria

To be completely honest, I’m usually more of a beer or cocktail girl myself. But earlier in the Summer I attended an event to celebrate the launch of The Dreaming Tree collection of wines and ever since, I knew I wanted another taste. In lieu of drinking it straight (although that tastes good too) – I opted for a Sangria that could make the the most of white wine and also summer’s fruits. The Sauvignon has a nice dryness to it that paired nicely with the sweetness of the fruit – and then was tempered by the basil. All in all, an effortless drink to sip throughout the weekend. Whether you’re partying at the beach or hunkering down while Hurricane Hermine passes through. Cheers to 3 days off work!

The Dreaming Tree Sauvignon Blanc c/o | World Market Carafe | Turkish-T Towel | Stemless Glasses

Labor Day Recipe - White Wine Peach and Basil Sangria