The Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall Travel

This past weekend, Adam and I took a last minute trip to Rhode Island. I’d only been to the state once before (to Providence in the depths of winter.. so I had a lot to make up for) and Adam had never been – so we were excited to jump into Newport on a crisp Fall weekend and expand from there (full travel guide coming soon!).

We were only in Rhode Island for about 36 hours in total so I did my best to pack light. And while Fall is one of my favorite times to travel, it can definitely be tricky to know exactly what to bring with you. In one weekend alone we had chilly mornings, warm sunny afternoons and a few hours that were windy with heavy rain. With that in mind, I teamed up with Lands’ End (one of my favorite sources for all weather outerwear), to share 3 must have coats for Fall Travel.

The Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall Travel

1. THE PUFFER COAT: Heavy enough to keep you warm on brisk Autumn mornings, but lightweight enough to add layers and easily roll into your suitcase or weekender bag, the puffer coat is essential. I love that this one feels as pretty as it is practical with a roll collar and floral print. Even more fun when you mix it with classic stripes.

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The Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall Travel The Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall Travel The Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall Travel

2. THE RAINCOAT: Tucked in your car’s backseat or your carry-on, if you’re headed out of town this Fall you probably shouldn’t leave home without a raincoat. This one is super thin so there’s no excuse not to bring it along and I can’t tell you how happy I was to have it when it started pouring and we were still a quarter mile from the car.

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The Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall Travel The Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall Travel The Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall TravelThe Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall Travel

3. THE TRENCH COAT: A completely season-less, wardrobe staple the trench coat is perfect for a million situations including your Fall travel. Not only is it a great in-between weight (not too light, not too heavy), a trench coat works just as well with jeans and a sweater as it does with a cocktail dress and heels. Meaning you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck and space in your suitcase.

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The Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall Travel The Steele Maiden - 3 Must Have Coats for Fall Travel




The Steele Maiden: What to Pack 4th of July Weekend Getaway

We’re headed to the lake for 4th of July weekend and I couldn’t be more excited for a few days of relaxing on the dock, hanging on the boat and soaking up sun (here’s hoping the weather cooperates!). No matter where you’re going, I’m guessing some of the above pieces will work. I keep it pretty casual at the lake, which means plenty of easy cotton tops or dresses (who cares if they get a little wrinkled), bright bikinis, comfy slip-on shoes and maybe a starry accessory or two for the big fireworks show over the water.


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The Steele Maiden: What to Pack for a Warm Weather Trip to Charleston, South Carolina

We’re in the middle our stay here in sunny Charleston, South Carolina and enjoying every minute. While I won’t be sharing full outfit posts until we’re back (be sure you’re following along on Instagram to see the trip in real time!), I thought I’d share a quick look at exactly what I packed for the trip. My suitcase is filled with lots of lightweight cotton and linen pieces that I can’t wait to wear this summer, plus this new mineral sunscreen and this book that is a fun beach read. See you back here when I’m home!


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The Steele Maiden: What I Packed in my Suitcase for a trip to LA and Palm Springs

And just like that.. we’re off! Well actually not just like that. After my half marathon on Saturday I came down with a stomach bug on Monday that left me hanging on for dear life right up until Tuesday night.. with a 9:30 AM flight on Wednesday that we had no idea if we’d even make. So really Adam should be writing this ‘What’s in my Suitcase’ post because he is in fact the one that packed every last thing as I dictated to him from what felt like my death bed. Miraculously, I am on the mend now and we managed to make this morning’s flight bound for LA and Palm Springs. Suffice to say more than ready to spend a few days in the sun and watch one of my very dearest friends get married.

Be sure you’re following along on Instagram (and IG stories!) to get snippets of our trip as it happens and in the meantime – here’s almost everything that’s in my suitcase. From a bold yellow one shoulder dress just begging for a margarita to pool-ready sandals and shades to the chicest printed trousers and an essential wide brim hat. I packed more color and fun into one suitcase than my wardrobe has seen in months. Can’t wait to share all the full looks with you soon! Until then – consider this my out of office.


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The Steele Maiden: What to Pack for a Fall road trip to New England


The bags are packed, the tank is full of gas. Adam and I are setting off for a road trip up the New England coast to Maine! I haven’t been in years (and even then didn’t ever really the chance to explore) and Adam has never been – so we both can’t wait to get there and explore. If you have recommendations for Kennebunkport, Portland or beyond feel free to send them my way!

In the meantime, I figured I’d share exactly what’s in my bag. Since the weather will be cooler than it is here in the city – I figured it was the chance to bring lots of layers and light jackets. This open draped camel coat and quilted primaloft jacket are new in and I already know they’re going to be the MVP’s of my fall wardrobe. Plus chunky sweaters (this cabled turtleneck is just begging for a foggy dock), goes with everything ankle boots, and – because you can’t go north this time of year without it – plaid. Bring on the lobster rolls.


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