The Steele Maiden: Striped Top and Floral Hair Bow

If you saw my first Weekly Round-Up then you’ll know I’ve added these Friday posts as a place to play catch-up and share anything new that’s happening or interesting that I’ve spotted in the past week. This particular one has been a whirlwind since we landed from a red eye flight from LA on Monday morning and jumped straight into the work week and are headed promptly out of town again this weekend to spend Easter with Adam’s family at their lake house. In the meantime – I’ll leave you with these:

  1.  I’ve got a major statement earring obsession right now. These come in a million colors, aren’t too heavy and just feel FUN with almost any outfit.
  2. Now that my half marathon is done, my workout schedule is way less rigid. I’m still trying to stick to running around 10 miles a week and working out 6 days a week – but thinking of adding in a fun class to mix things up. Are there any that you love? I’ve always though kick-boxing sounded fun.
  3. We rented a convertible Mustang to drive from Los Angeles to Palm Springs last week and it made me want to watch Thelma & Louise again. No one rocks a pair of faded Levis like Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon.
  4. Jenna Lyons, Creative Director & unexpected style icon, is officially leaving the helm of J.Crew after 26 years with the company. I like this tribute article from Man Repeller on how she’s shaped the way we think about getting dressed.
  5. I’ve started freelance blog writing for a lingerie brand I love – True & Co. Here is my debut article.

And for more – be sure to sign up for my newsletter and follow me on Instagram. Both show content you won’t find anywhere else. Happy weekend!


Running activewear leggings and sneakers

I’ve been feeling lately like there are a lot of tidbits I want to share with you all that I just don’t have a proper space for. Whether it’s a new brand that I’m swooning over, a can’t miss sale, a must-read article.. there are things that just fall outside of my usual style, travel, beauty, cocktail or fitness posts. If you can believe that. So I’m thinking I’ll start sharing those things on Friday. We’ll see how it goes.

And for more? You should sign up for my newsletter and follow me on Instagram. Both show content you won’t find anywhere else. 

Now, on to the good stuff:

  1. I’m running my half marathon on Saturday. While I probably won’t keep up the 10+ mile runs, I’m definitely hoping to stick to the habit of working out 6 days a week. The coral sneakers shown above are lightweight and great for cross training.
  2. One of my all time favorite TV shows since I was a kid has been the Golden Girls. The other weekend we traveled wayyyy uptown to have breakfast at Rue La Rue – a gem of a place dedicated to the show. I nearly died.
  3. Currently reading ‘Animals‘ by Emma Jane Unsworth. So far serving as a tribute to the messiness of life in your early twenties but the beauty of a great friendship amidst it all. It feels fitting before I turn 30.
  4. I’m heading out of town (warm weather bound!) and while I’ll be sharing everything I’m packing here on the blog next week, these gingham slides are too good to wait to talk about.
  5. Do you listen to podcasts? I’ve become obsessed in the past year. I listen to the NY Times ‘Daily’ every morning, plus ‘Happier’ and ‘This American Life’ weekly. Recently I burned through ‘Missing Richards Simons’ (both fascinating and heartbreaking…) and ‘S-Town‘ from the makers of ‘Serial’ may be next on my list.

Have a great weekend!