As tough as much of 2018 turned out to be (read more about that here), when I look at my ‘goals for 2018’ post – I still managed to achieve a few. Mainly, a better work life balance (life kind of forced my hand there but I cut way back on blog related work and really took time to just be still and rest). And I also took some strides towards better health. After years I went to the dentist and eye doctor, I drastically reduced dairy from my diet (due to stomach pains that I had just kind of been grinning and bearing for several years) and in the second half of the year I got back into a solid workout routine.
In 2019? I want to not just focus on the basics but really push myself to get out of my comfort zone. Here – a few actionable goals for the coming year.
I’ve had a personal project swimming around in my head for a couple of years now and all the usual excuses (fear of failure, that I’m not being ready, lack of time…) have stopped me. It would be a fashion story-telling sort of website.. and maybe podcast? Regardless, this year I’m going to just start. Even if it doesn’t become some smashing success. Even if it’s just for me. A failure is better than never even trying, right?
In terms of the blog – I think I’d like to find some sort of consistency that I can maintain. I used to post really regularly and then this past year that kind of went out the window. I’m hoping for 3 solid posts per week this year. And sharing more home decor, more everyday outfit snaps and more personal posts that hopefully connect with all of you. Anything else you want to see? Let me know in the comments!
I’m planning on putting my health as another big focus this year – mental, physical and financial. Prioritizing things like rest and reading that make me feel mentally healthy. Pushing myself to maintain my 5 day/week workout routine and get back to a place where I feel really strong. And focusing on better spending habits in the short term as well as working hard on a long-term financial plan.
I’d like to continue to explore New York, pushing myself to look beyond my favorite places and handful of favorite restaurants and make the most out of living in this amazing place.
Also – if I can get my ducks in a row and my pennies in a jar, I’d really love to do some more traveling this year. I’ve made a “wander-list” of places I’d like to get to this year and figure – if I put it out there the universe just may bring it back to me, right?
This applies to both my relationships at home (and fostering them to be the best they can possibly be) as well as making my home a place that feels like a reflection of my personal style and a respite from the often craziness of the outside world. Also – I hope there are plenty more home projects (like this one) to share with all of you.
Here’s to a happy, healthy and exciting new year!