My summer bucket list reads as follows:

I’m not going to check in on work emails when it’s a sunny Sunday afternoon and I’m lying out in the park.

I’m not going to let it throw me off course if we stay out for just one more cold drink on a hot night and I end up skipping a workout the next morning.

I’m not going to care if I don’t always have a new outfit to post here because I have plentyyy of cute dresses already in my closet (this one included).

I’m not going to stress about spending weekends finishing up the last of our apartment projects by any set deadline, and run off to the lake house any chance I get instead.

I’m not going to compare myself to what anyone else is doing – whether that be having a baby this summer or island hopping off the coast of Greece, and instead feel content with everything I’ve got going on.

You get the point. Less worry, more in the moment, at ease, enjoyment.

And if you’re thinking – ugh, sounds nice but no one is that relaxed in reality.. what a charmed life. Know that last summer I was in such a rough spot I spent weeks, maybe months, not truly enjoying a single aspect of summer. There have been summers where I was so stressed about work and life that I spent sunny Saturday mornings in an anxiety-ridden frenzy in our old, dark apartment. So this hasn’t come easy.

Adam and I are in a sort of funny position this summer as so many around us are having babies this year (no less than 6 couples we know either had a baby this spring or are due by the fall!) and as I watch their lives dramatically change – I feel myself almost giddy with the incredible freedom of our own lives. This summer we’re going to drink margaritas and dance in the streets and go on midnight swims in the lake and sleep in late and get too much sun and anything else we damn well please. Call it selfish if you will. But I hear a lot of new parents say they wish they had reveled in this stage more. So that’s exactly what I intend to do. No aspirational list of do’s. Just a vague list of dont’s.

And while I’m having all of the aforementioned fun, I’ll likely be in simple outfits like this one. A seersucker dress, comfortable sandals (sold-out now, sorry! But they’ve got lots of other super cute options) and a cheap pair of sunglasses. Ready for you summer!


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Thank you for your patience as THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO SUMMER TRAVEL loads. Click on the center to be sure you are viewing in full screen mode and use the zoom on the bottom left if you’d like to see closer. Plus, click on any product/text link in the guide to shop directly.

I am thrilled to share with you all tonight The Steele Maiden’s first ever e-magazine! This issue tackles everything you need to plan, pack and perfect your Summer travel style. I hope that as you search for the perfect carry-on bag and the best beach cover-up you can come back to reference this guide all season long. I hope that it inspires you to try something new on your next trip to the city and helps you lighten up that weekender bag. And most of all I hope you enjoy reading this, it was a long time in the making and I’m so excited for you all to see it now. Happy travels friends.


Memorial Day weekend is one of my favorite times of year to shop. By this point in the season I’ve done my Spring cleaning and have been able to truly assess what I’m missing in my wardrobe (a pair of white jeans, black sandals and another office-ready skirt are currently topping my list) and the weather has turned so that all those cute Summer items I’ve been staring at online are now actually wearable. Oh, and it just so happens, all my favorite retailers have major sales. So aside from having an NYC staycation this long holiday weekend, I’ll be scooping up some deals. Below – my top picks:


(20% fully priced items w/ code LONGWKND – how cool is this denim pinafore?)

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(40% off site wide + free shipping w/ code FCMS40 – this midi skirt has been on repeat lately)

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(40% off sitewide – just picked up this sleeveless chambray top)

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(Half Yearly Sale up to 40% off – these printed pants are perfect for weekends)

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(Entire site up to 50% off – this tote bag is begging for a beach day)

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(30% off sitewide with code BESTSALE – just ordered this cute panama hat!)

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(Up to 50% off select styles – this lightweight scarf is perfect for chilly A/C)

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(Up to an extra 50% off sale items – love these silver sandals)

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