The Steele Maiden at Home: Anthropologie candle and Daisy Marc Jacobs Perfume

William Morris once said “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to beautiful.” I find that quote to be so strikingly powerful that I’ve been applying it to my home, and in fact – entire life – for years now. This week it’s rung especially true as I’ve been tackling a deep spring clean. After 3 years in our apartment, my closet along with several other corners, were feeling crowded and bogged down by ‘stuff’. Stuff that was no longer useful or beautiful to me. So out it goes. It feels so good to start fresh. Here – a few more things on my mind as we head into the weekend.

  1. In Sweden, a Museum of Failures opened. It showcases the greatest commercial flops, often from very successful inventors and brands. The lesson – that failure is inseparable from success and should be celebrated. Brilliant.
  2. Do you all follow Margo & Me? Her blog posts read like beautiful magazine editorials and her style is kind of my fantasy romantic, french girl look. This post is so dreamy.
  3. I’ve been talking about my current obsession with statement earrings for the past few weeks here. They’re just such an easy way to elevate a look. This pair is featherweight and just went on sale for just $10! That’s less than lunch in this town.
  4.  I studied abroad in London when I was 20 years old and I’m hoping to finally get back there this year, a cool decade later. This restaurant would be a must visit this time around. Talk about millennial pink.
  5. Out with the old (clothes, bags, shoes… to donation they go!), in with the new. Made room in my closet for these fun heels in wear with everything black and feeling quite happy about it. Plus they’re 40% off right now.



Pinterest Inspiration: Bedroom Decor Makeover

One of the things that I’ve been meaning to get around to this year is re-decorating our bedroom. With the lease signed for another year, the space has been begging for a bit of a fresh update. If you follow me on snapchat (thesteelemaiden) than you already know I picked up a light sage-y green paint for a statement wall, but for the rest I’ve been pulling from my Pinterest to get an idea of what I’d like to keep and what I’d like to update. Below, my current plans, and stay tuned as I share the results!