2016 – phew. I’m not afraid to admit, this year really tested me in a lot of ways. At 29 I think I often felt in a hurry to make things happen this year. And in the moment, that often felt challenging, daunting and altogether frustrating. It often felt like I didn’t have the time to make this blog what I wanted it to be. Didn’t have the money to take the extravagant vacations I saw everyone else on Instagram taking. That I was letting the stress of my job effect the happiness I felt outside of the office. You get the picture. Not to mention a week I spent in bed with a kidney infection (and another with a stomach flu), a week I spent crying over my dead laptop and if I added it all up weeks and weeks spent worrying about when I’d have it all figured out. Oh yeah, and then there were those 5 weddings I attended in 5 months time. Which are all of course teeny tiny issues compared to those that the world at large faced this past year. But the funny thing is?

As I sit here thinking back on the past year here is what comes to mind:

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