The Steele Maiden: Spring Brunch Cocktail Recipe - Citrus Bourbon Paloma

Without fail it happens every March – cabin fever. Adam and I spend so much of our time outside, roaming the city when the weather allows, that after a long winter I just start to go a little stir crazy in our tiny apartment. So I decided if I had to be cooped up, I may as well make the best of it and mix up a spring-inspired cocktail perfect for weekend brunch. A Paloma is usually the tequila and grapefruit version of a mimosa. But I took the mix one step further and subbed bourbon for tequila plus added blood orange and lime and finished with club soda and a dash of pink salt (have you ever used this? It’s so pretty!). The results – a burst of fresh citrus, bit of fizz and an incredibly smooth and refreshing finish. Out of all the cocktails I’ve shared on the blog so far, this may just be my favorite. Below the recipe. Cheers to the weekend friends!


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The Steele Maiden: Spring Brunch Cocktail Recipe - Citrus Bourbon Paloma The Steele Maiden: Spring Brunch Cocktail Recipe - Citrus Bourbon Paloma The Steele Maiden: Spring Brunch Cocktail Recipe - Citrus Bourbon Paloma

*Original recipe found via Girl in the Little Red Kitchen