The Steele Maiden: Snow Day Style - Apres Ski Sweater, Red Beret and Plaid Skirt

Still humming ‘Walking in a Winter Wonderland’ after Saturday’s snow. There’s just something about the first snow day of the season in New York City that’s pure magic. Especially when it falls in December and the whole city feels like it’s a Christmas snow globe come to life. I was originally saving this ‘Aprés Ski’ sweater for, well, actual post-skiing attire… but it just felt like I needed to break my own rules and break it in early over the weekend.


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To be completely honest, these photos were hard to take. My hair was getting soaked, Adam was trying to hide the camera lens underneath an umbrella while also dodging cars in the middle of the street and we were both freezing after a couple of minutes. But even though we only got a few good shots, I love that we’ll look back on these photos and remember that day. Laughing and slipping our way through the streets and taking cover in our favorite neighborhood restaurant afterwards to share a drink while the snow blanketed the city outside. While this blog hopefully serves as inspiration for all of you, for us – it reads like a diary. Thanks for reading.

Talbots Après Ski Sweater | Lands’ End Down Jacket | Red Beret | Plaid Skirt – similar | Marc Fisher Boots

The Steele Maiden: Snow Day Style - Apres Ski Sweater, Red Beret and Plaid Skirt The Steele Maiden: Snow Day Style - Apres Ski Sweater, Red Beret and Plaid Skirt The Steele Maiden: Snow Day Style - Apres Ski Sweater, Red Beret and Plaid Skirt The Steele Maiden: Snow Day Style - Apres Ski Sweater, Red Beret and Plaid Skirt The Steele Maiden: Snow Day Style - Apres Ski Sweater, Red Beret and Plaid Skirt
