Pinterest Inspiration: Bedroom Decor Makeover

One of the things that I’ve been meaning to get around to this year is re-decorating our bedroom. With the lease signed for another year, the space has been begging for a bit of a fresh update. If you follow me on snapchat (thesteelemaiden) than you already know I picked up a light sage-y green paint for a statement wall, but for the rest I’ve been pulling from my Pinterest to get an idea of what I’d like to keep and what I’d like to update. Below, my current plans, and stay tuned as I share the results!


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The Steele Maiden: Travel to Barcelona, SpainHellloooo weekend! While I may not be jetting back to Barcelona (as pictured above from my visit back in 2008) any time soon, it’s supposed to be in the high 70s tomorrow (!!!) and I’ve got a brand new pair of sandals just waiting for a fresh pedicure and some of that sunshine. So I’ll take New York. Also ahead of me this weekend? A smooth 13.1 mile run. Here’s hoping all of that half marathon training has paid off. A few more things on my radar… Continue reading “5 MINUTE ESCAPE”