weekend flashback

The Steele Maiden: Weekend Flashback
This weekend was all about settling in.  We hung artwork on our apartment walls (see the decor in our LA home here), I settled on a new place to practice bikram yoga (have you ever tried? 90 minutes in a 100+ degree room and I promise your life will change..), Adam and I found our new go-to Mexican restaurant (happy hour margaritas are equally life changing), spent some time in the local park and had some of the best New York bagels I’ve yet to come by at Tompkins Square Bagels.  There were trips to the laundromat, hardware store, and pharmacy peppered in there too – all of which, although chores, only served to make me feel even more at home into our new East Village neighborhood.  I even practiced my best New Yorker black on black look.  But don’t worry, there’s a Spring inspired color punch coming your way tomorrow.  I guess a little of LA survives after all…
