winter warmth

The Steele Maiden: Striped Wool Coat and Fur Pom Beanie
I’m starting to build a real coat wardrobe these days and it’s a good thing, because temperatures are steadily falling (along with some snowflakes!). The start to any warm outfit is the first layers and since you usually only get to see a peak of them under all the other outerwear – I like to make it count in a rich color or great print.  This bright orange, long sleeved sweater dress from online boutique Red Clover does just that. Then come the layers – tights, socks (I like the added contrast here plus keeps my toes from freezing!), gloves, the fur pom beanie I’ve had on repeat, and finally this real standout of a coat. 

Sunglass Warehouse Sunglasses c/o // Kohls Pom Beanie c/o // Red Clover Dress c/o // Tulle Coat // No Nonsense Tights c/o // Forever21 Boots – similar // Men’s socks borrowed from Adam // Fossil Bag via TJ Maxx
The Steele Maiden: Striped Wool Coat and Fur Pom Beanie

The Steele Maiden: Striped Wool Coat and Fur Pom Beanie

The Steele Maiden: Striped Wool Coat and Fur Pom Beanie

The Steele Maiden: Striped Wool Coat and Fur Pom Beanie

The Steele Maiden: Striped Wool Coat and Fur Pom Beanie
