There was a time when I was making seasonal bucket lists pretty regularly, but during the past year I can’t say I had all that many activities to put on the list. With our second vaccine dose schedule for the first week of May – the spring and summer ahead suddenly feel buzzing with opportunities.
To note: I realize that some of these activities are things that you personally might have been doing for months now.. or oppositely, that you’re still not comfortable doing. Feel free to make a list that’s all your own!
In no particular order (and aside from seeing friends and family!) here’s what I’m most looking forward to:
- Manicure/pedicure – I haven’t been to my favorite neighborhood nail salon since February 2020. I cannot wait to treat myself to this again! It’s a little luxury that I’ve sorely missed
- Movies in the theater – seeing movies at the theater is one of my favorite things to do. Alone, with a friend or on a date night – as long as I’ve got a fountain Diet Coke, pack of Twizzlers and 2 hours with no distractions, I’m happy.
- Try a few new restaurants – While we’ve been to our local favorites for outdoor dining this past year, we haven’t really been out and about to try new restaurants ‘just because’ and I really want to get back to that. It’s one of the joys of living in this city after all. On my list (these aren’t necessarily ‘new’ places but more so ones that have long been on my list to try): Minetta Tavern, Gupshup, Carbone, The Tyger and Central Park’s Loeb Boathouse.
- Visit a museum – I actually did go to the Met on a weekday late last year and it was really limited tickets so things felt plenty safe, but I’d like to visit some others that I haven’t been to in a long time now like the MoMa or the Natural History Museum (which I’ve never been to!)
- Road Trip – Pre-pandemic, Adam and I were exploring more of the surrounding areas in New York – from Montauk and Sag Harbor out east to Hudson and Woodstock upstate. I’d love to plan a few summer road trips to continue to see more of the greater NYC area.
- Sunset Sailboat Cruise – I’ve always wanted to do one of these chartered sunset sails around Manhattan and hoping this summer I finally can make it happen.
- Explore a new neighborhood – I really want to get out and explore areas of the city that are lesser known to me. Chinatown is high on my list this year (the thought of fresh dumplings seems like reason enough) and the Upper West Side which I just never really have a ‘reason’ to travel up that way, but always strikes me as lovely. May need to watch the quintessential UWS flick ‘You’ve Got Mail’ in preparation.
- Live music – This is probably the thing that Adam and I miss the most – whether it’s a big show at Madison Square Garden or a tiny jazz quartet at our favorite little neighborhood spot, live music is the soundtrack of this city to me. This one might not happen until later in the summer or early fall here but when it does, we’ll be there with bells on.
- Travel! – I mean, this goes without saying. Due to our work schedules this also probably won’t happen until late summer/early Fall but I am itching to pack my bag and stamp my passport again. Now.. where to?!