Since my post last week it’s almost difficult to wrap my head around how much has changed about our daily lives. We’re working from home, we’re removed from friends, family and strangers, we’re only going out for short walks and to the grocery stores. It’s a wild time to be alive. I don’t have much more to add to the conversation surrounding the global climate right now other than to hope you’re all staying safe – but I do have ways that I’m staying sane. And I figured I’d share. Below: the 10 things I’m planning on doing with my newfound spare time indoors.
1.Start my ukulele lessons. I’ve been swearing I’d make time for this since Christmas and truly haven’t had the time. Today Adam got it all tuned up so I’m armed and ready to finally dive in.
2. Organize kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Last weekend we tackled this by throwing out anything old/expired, wiped down all the insides and then re-organized everything inside. It felt great.
3. Video calls with friends & family. I’ve got a session scheduled with two of my best girlfriends from college on Friday and I want to get in some quality facetime with my niece and nephew too. Staying connected and seeing their faces in real time feels so important right now.
4. Work-out at least 5x per week. I’m grateful that I started doing more and more at-home video workouts starting last year. I’ll be ramping those up and getting out for walks and runs whenever possible. Plus, I’ve convinced Adam to do yoga with me 1x per week.
5. Bake banana bread. I typically never have time to spend a whole lot of time in the kitchen but these days we’ve been cooking healthy meals 3x a day at home. I want to step up my game and bake something delicious while we’re at it.

6. Closet spring cleaning. I want to start to pack away sweaters and heavier coats plus gather things to donate once charity shops have re-opened.
7. Work on my book. It’s still in such a fledgling state but I figure if ever there is a time to get the creative juices flowing and do some writing, it’s now.
8. Read, read, read. And if I’m not writing, I’ll be reading. A good book feels like such a welcome escape right now. If you want to see the list of what’s on my shelf right now – it’s here.
9. Game night with Adam. We plan to dust off the scrabble board, turn off the TV and have a good old-fashioned game night.
10. Send notes to grandparents. A hand-written note to those of us who really can’t get out much these days would go a long way.
Hang in there friends.