The Steele Maiden: Summer at the Lake - Madewell Chambray Denim Jumpsuit

It’s been a long time since I’ve done these end of week ‘life lately’ type of posts and I found I was really missing them as a way to share the random bits that don’t quite fit into another full post. So I’m bringing ’em back! Read and then go forth, and weekend my friends.

  1. I lost my eyeglasses last week (that had an out of date prescription anyway) so it was high time I placed an order for a new pair. I went with these – somehow both bold and neutral at the same time? Either way I like them. And can’t wait to not be squinting at the TV anymore.
  2. If you have Amazon Prime I can’t recommend their series Marvelous Mrs. Maisel enough. The sets, the costumes, the humor. All of it is so so good (I watched it once on my own and am re-watching season 1 now with Adam). They’re filming season 2 in New York right now and I can’t wait for it to come out.
  3. I’ve been trying to get back into the swing of working out and found that if I do (at the bare minimum) this 15-20 minute routine (suggested by blogger Olivia Jeanette) every single day I feel pretty good. I only started last week so I’ll let you know what the results are. Basically, do 20 each of the following:
    1. Push-ups
    2. Bicep Curls (each side with 5-10lb weight – I use these 8lb weights)
    3. Tricep Extensions (each side with 5-10 lb weight)
    4. Shoulder Press (each side with 5-10lb weight)
    5. Crunches
    6. Leg Lifts
    7. Pelvic Thrusts
    8. Squats
  4. After last weekend’s sun-soaked adventure at the lake (as you can see in the photo above) my skin really needed some loving. This Elemis superfood charged facial oil and day-time & night-time moisturizer is pricey but I see a noticeable difference in the appearance of my skin when I use it consistently.
  5. With rain in the forecast and no plans for this weekend, I plan on jumping in to my August book club picks (sharing soon – you can see what I had on July’s list here). How cute are these floral sweatpants for lazy days at home?

One Reply to “LET’S CATCH UP 8.4.18”

  1. We’re obsessed with that show, too! Glad to know they’re finally filming the 2nd season, because the billboard advertisements I keep seeing have been such a tease!

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