Spring style: trench coat and gingham shirt

When you’re knee deep in the middle of the work week (not to mention that Adam and I are busy prepping to head out on a little adventure this week.. my favorite kind of busy), I always find myself reaching for the most classic items in my closet. The kind of things you can grab and go without spending more than 5 minutes thinking it over.


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You’ve seen this trench before and I’ve had this gingham shirt for probably 3 or 4 years now. When I’m shopping for items that I think will become classics in my closet I try to spend a little more (as opposed to say a seasonal trendy piece from Forever21), and go for brands that I know will hold up. Talbots, Boden, J.Crew and Paige Denim are a few favorites for good quality pieces that feel modern but don’t date themselves within a season. Of course, because I love a good trendy item too – I usually toss on something like these silver loafers (or other fun accessory) when wearing more classic pieces just to keep things interesting. And frankly, because without laces these get me out the door that much faster on a ‘I’m already running late’ morning.

Ted Baker Trench – similar via Nordstrom | J.Crew Gingham Shirt | Paige Denim Jeans c/o | Gigi NY Bag c/o | Sole Society Loafers c/o – now on sale! | Daniel Wellington Watch – save 15% off sitewide w/ code THESTEELEMAIDEN through 3/31

Spring style: trench coat and gingham shirt Spring style: trench coat and gingham shirt Spring style: trench coat and gingham shirt Spring style: trench coat and gingham shirt