Camel blazer, scarf and boyfriend jeans

Hello 2016! As much fun as it was to take a look back on 2015 – I’m fully ready to dive head first into 2016. I have lots of big plans for The Steele Maiden, so I took the past week to really slow down and create a focused plan for the coming year.


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I think the idea of resolutions can be a dangerous one – things like ‘eat less, stress less’ have a diminishing notion that I don’t think anyone (especially women) should subscribe to. Not to mention how discouraging it makes you feel when you haven’t lost those 3 pounds come February. But things like explore your city more, give back to the community around you, and create a path to happiness? That I’m on board with. Last year I hoped to streamline my wardrobe, run a half marathon, and travel more. I am happy to say I was able to accomplish all of those – so I’d like to build on those foundations – but dream even bigger. That means running another half marathon but also planning to volunteer for Girls on the Run (an awesome organization that helps train young urban girls to run a 5k – and ultimately bolster confidence, heath and self worth along the way). Continuing to streamline my wardrobe and focus on quality over quantity (check out my list of closet classics here) and definitely continuing to travel, explore New York and create a focused path towards my career and personal goals. What are you looking forward to in 2016?

Sole Society Reversible Scarf c/o | Old Navy Blazer c/o | Talbots Sweater c/o | Boyfriend Jeans | J.Crew Socks | Suede Ankle Booties

 Camel blazer, scarf and boyfriend jeans Camel blazer, scarf and boyfriend jeans Camel blazer, scarf and boyfriend jeans Camel blazer, scarf and boyfriend jeans