Ready or not – here it comes. NYFW kicks off Thursday and despite the freezing temperatures and ankle deep slush.. I’m still more than a little excited. Fully prepared? That’s another story.
I have yet to iron out all the outfits I’ll be wearing (that’s the sort of great thing about living in New York during Fashion Week – I don’t have to pack a suitcase to get here). But I do have to pack a purse – and that part I’ve got all figured out. While I tend to carry small bags, I make sure they’re filled with the essentials. That means a standout lip color, foldable flats (for that non-glamourous subway ride home), a few awesome accessories in case I want to swap ’em out, and a planner to keep me day straight. Now, as long as it doesn’t snow..
SERIOUS Yosi Samra sale going on at Nordstrom right now: http://shop.nordstrom.com/sr?origin=keywordsearch&contextualcategoryid=60130347&keyword=yosi+samra
Oh you weren’t kidding! Do you have a pair yet? They’re seriously the most comfortable things ever.