shake it off

The Steele Maiden: Plaid miniskirt and Sole Society Booties
It’s a toss up here whether my incessant listening to the new Taylor Swift cd or whether my lifelong love of uniform-style is to blame for me dressing the part of a schoolgirl again.  Either way, it turns out that no matter how many years pass I never can shake off my desire to pair short plaid skirts with button down shirts.  It feels kind of fitting though, since I’m so excited for Christmas break from work I feel like I am in fact back in school.. just waiting for that last bell to ring.  4 days and counting my friends. Now go enjoy your last weekend before the holidays – I’ll be picking up last minute presents, attending a couple of holiday parties and getting ready to share my NYE look with you all next week!  

The Steele Maiden: Plaid miniskirt and Sole Society Booties

The Steele Maiden: Plaid miniskirt and Sole Society Booties

The Steele Maiden: Plaid miniskirt and Sole Society Booties

The Steele Maiden: Plaid miniskirt and Sole Society Booties

The Steele Maiden: Plaid miniskirt and Sole Society Booties


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