new traditions

The Steele Maiden: Borrowed Boyfriend Shirt and Pencil Skirt
It’s been one of those run-run-can’t catch up, blink and its Wednesday Thursday sort of weeks around here.  And between two days of thunderstorms and one major case of ‘I’ve got a full closet but nothing to wear’ it just wasn’t working.  But then yesterday I got up, the rain (and my matching gloomy mood) had cleared and I managed to pull together this look.  And after doing so, realized I had taken inspiration from the most unlikely of sources.. weddings.  If you knew my general aversion to anything involving traditional bridal fanfare you’d know just how surprising this is – but low and behold I was wearing something old (this vintage bag from my Great Aunt), something new (this printed pencil skirt), something borrowed (Adam’s map of New York t-shirt) and something blue (these cobalt pumps).  And despite my untraditional stance, I think this formula sort of perfectly sums up my signature style.  Who knew?   

Men’s Urban Outfitters Graphic T-shirt // Topshop Pencil Skirt – similar // Vintage Bag – this embellished one from ASOS is cool // Vintage Bracelet – similar via BaubleBar // H&M Pumps – similar on sale via  Sole Society

The Steele Maiden: Borrowed Boyfriend Shirt and Pencil Skirt

The Steele Maiden: Borrowed Boyfriend Shirt and Pencil Skirt

The Steele Maiden: Borrowed Boyfriend Shirt and Pencil Skirt

The Steele Maiden: Borrowed Boyfriend Shirt and Pencil Skirt

The Steele Maiden: Borrowed Boyfriend Shirt and Pencil Skirt


2 Replies to “new traditions”

  1. I had one of those weeks myself. I managed to pick up a MK bag, some summer dresses and bangles. Now all is right with the world.

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