weekend flashback

The Steele Maiden: Weekend Flashback
With less than 2 weeks left in Los Angeles – and a to do list (and accompanying stress levels) that have pretty much reached fever pitch, we still managed to find a few moments to relax this weekend and share a very California Valentine’s Day (it involved a pitcher of margaritas on the beach and setting off sparklers in the sand – both of which are actually illegal.. but true love is reckless, right?). And between putting together boxes and selling our life’s belongings off on craigslist, I snuck some time to daydream about the decor in our next place (in case you missed it I shared a peek into our LA home here) and planning out the cross country route we’d take on our return trip.  Anyone else ever done a coast to coast road trip? We went the southern route on our way here and are thinking of going northern on the way back (starting up in San Francisco) – would love suggestions from anyone who’s driven/lives along the way! 

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