Aside from getting ready for my trip back to the East Coast next weekend (and my sister’s impending bridal shower!), I still managed to find a bit of time this weekend to prep some fun things coming up here on the blog, pick up pretty flowers that instantly brighten our kitchen table, have a lunch date with friends, and go on a classic date night (that ended with a kiss atop Santa Monica Pier’s Ferris Wheel – which may in fact be the best time $5 can buy..). Tonight we’re having a couple of friends over for dinner and Grammy watching before gearing up for another week – and figuring out what on Earth my California closet has to help me survive a polar vortex? Hope you all had a great weekend!
p.s. While I didn’t win the trip to WWD Magic, my heart swells with the thought of all of you that took the time to vote. Thank you.
Picking up pretty flowers can definitely make a huge difference for the space
xo TJ