Thanksgiving is a holiday as much about traditions as it is about food – and since this year we’re not having the usual big family dinner (in fact, just Turkey for Two) I wanted to take the time to start a few new traditions for our little family. I started with these cards which I plan to print each year and keep in a photo album (so someday we can feel nostalgic that in 2013 we were thankful for a quiet day in the California sun as we most likely shiver in New York’s winter with a screaming baby and a barking dog). Aside from the boy, family and friends, this little blog gets a special place on the list. Today, and everyday, I’m so thankful for all of the surprising opportunities this has brought me in the past year and more importantly for all of you. Whether we’ve met, you’ve commented, shown support, or you’re simply out there silently reading along – I’m incredibly thankful to have the chance to keep sharing my life and what I love to do with you all. Here’s to starting your own traditions and counting your own blessings.
lovely post!
Thank you Rakel