Lady Liberty

So it’s safe to say my goal of outfit posting didn’t really get off the ground last year.  After my inaugural post, life (like moving, holidays, work, house guests…) sort of got in the way.  But now that we’ve turned the calendar page I’m more committed than ever to make my ‘Real Deal’ series in particular stick. 

In New York I always wore neutral coats.  Since you had to wear them every single day for practically three months straight I was afraid to buy something colorful that I’d tire of or wouldn’t match with my whole wardrobe.  But since moving to Los Angeles, and realizing I would only need a “winter” coat a handful of times, I decided to go with something really fun and bright.  To play up the girly, retro style of the coat, I added a mix of patriotic patterns, trusty ankle boots, and my favorite vintage clutch.  

Double Breasted Military Coat
H&M Dress (old, similar here)
Forever 21 Blouse (old, similar here)
Zara Heels (old, similar here)
Vintage Clutch