Happy 2013! While I’m not a big fan of over promised resolutions, I do think that making a list of goals can be great motivation…
My list on January 1 of last year included getting a new job, moving to a new apartment, and starting a blog that combined all of my interests. I feel incredibly lucky and proud to say that I’ve accomplished these things and with that in mind set out to make a list for 2013. Many of them are simply guidelines that I’d like to live a happy life by (show up when you say you will, work harder, stay in touch with people), and others are simply for fun like visiting a new city and hosting a real dinner party. But I definitely have some new things in mind for this blog in the new year (and I’m really hoping for that puppy!). With or without a list – if I learned anything last year it’s that even your biggest dreams can be within reach (bearing a little risk and a lot of hard work). Now go out there and make things happen!