Summer is far and above my favorite season. Adam likes to joke that I’m like a solar powered device that comes to life again after being in the sun.. and he’s not wrong. This city comes alive in a different way too and I love the way that the longer days and warm nights loosens everyone up – an extra long lunch break in the park.. one more drink at a rooftop bar. It’s the season of outdoor concerts and the Pride parade and spontaneous trips to Rockaway beach. Or at least it was.

This weekend marks the unofficial start to summer and I have no idea what this city will look like over the next few months. And while I want to optimistically believe that we can bounce back in a big way – I also don’t want to set myself up for heartbreak over cancelled plans. So instead I’ve come up with a new set of summer plans. It’s perhaps not as grand as in year’s past, but there are plenty of things to look forward to – no matter what lies ahead for New York.

  • Find a place to hear outdoor music. Even if it’s just a jazz band in Washington Square Park. While I’m at it – keep up with my amateur ukulele lessons so I can make my own music. I’ve admittedly only mastered a handful of chords and one basic song so far.
  • Go for a long drive. I haven’t left this island in three months and this summer I know I’ll want a change of scenery even if it’s only for the afternoon. Even if we only get a lobster roll to-go and then get back in the car.
  • Make an epic summer reading list. Remember when you used to have required reading over the summer in school? Kind of like that but filled with books I can’t wait to dive into instead. See what I’ve been reading lately here.
  • I’d love to master a good “summer dessert” – when I was a kid my Mom had a few go-to recipes and when I think of warm weather cook-outs and having friends over for pool parties I still can taste those desserts. I’d love to have a signature dessert dish of my own.
  • Celebrate Pride Month – even though there won’t be a big parade this year I want to find ways to support the LGBTQ community. So far I’ve thought of two easy ways: Purchase a few books by LGBTQ authors to support their work in the publishing world and take the money we might otherwise have spent the day of the parade (last year we went out for a fun brunch and hit up a couple of bars) by donating to a charity instead. I’ve heard great things about It Gets Better.
  • Pack a picnic and take it up to Central Park. We actually just did this for my birthday and it was so lovely, I want to be sure we get back there plenty of times this summer and explore new, off the beaten path areas of the park. For those who aren’t that familiar – Central Park is truly huge at over 800 acres so even after all these years there are parts I haven’t seen.
  • Increase my monthly savings goals. Adam and I are both incredibly fortunate to have kept our jobs through all of this and if we can’t do as much this summer in terms of going to concerts, traveling, etc. – the silver lining will be that we can add more to our savings. So that when we can actually plan our next big adventure, we’ll already have the funds set aside.
  • Work on writing my novel. I’ve mentioned this a few times before and while I have no idea if it will ever go anywhere, I have a loose outline of the story and some short snippets so far. I’d love to take a more formal writing class (maybe online) at some point too.
  • Spend time at the lake house. We haven’t felt comfortable going out there yet (and Adam’s family has been spending time there on and off during quarantine so we didn’t want to risk it), but I’m hoping that schedules allow us to visit for a few weekends at the very least.

May it be a summer of reveling in the little things.

LET’S CATCH UP 5.15.20

Here we are. It’s mid-May. Two months into our time at home and this week I celebrated my birthday. While it wasn’t exactly what I would have imagined this time last year, it was a nice day and will certainly be a birthday I’ll remember. The weather finally feels like it might be turning here in New York and I’m looking forward to an extra day off for Memorial Day next week – even if it’s hard to believe that’s already here. Below, a few more things on my mind before we head out into the weekend.

  1. While there have been many people to flee the city during this whole mess, you can always count on a few classic New Yorkers who are never going anywhere. I loved this interview with Fran Lebowitz and this interview with Chloe Sevigny on why they’ll never give up on this city. I’m with them.
  2. Maybe it’s their ability to hide second day hair, but my love for headbands has only grown lately. I’ve currently got my eye on this daisy version.
  3. After reading Normal People last summer, I’ve been watching the TV adaptation on Hulu. You can read my review of the book here (honestly, I had mixed feelings) but I do think they’ve done a great job of staying true to the book. And the Irish accents are fun to listen to! Same goes for Little Fires Everywhere, which I read and loved – my book review for it was part of my very first Steele Maiden Book Club post here! The limited series adaptation is also on Hulu and while I’m only halfway through – I think Reese Witherspoon, Kerry Washington and all of the young teen actors were cast perfectly. What else have you been watching?
  4. Inexplicably, despite being much more of a shoe-girl, I’ve been on a purse kick lately. My friends at Cambridge Satchel Company sent over this classic satchel in their new lily white color which I’m still swooning over and I keep eyeing this little 1960s vintage crochet bag on Etsy. Don’t beat me to it.
  5. By now most of you know about my enduring love for Dolly Parton. I loved this article about how one writer came to terms with her appeal to him as a young boy.
  6. I have a tendency to want to buy a fun purse (case in point above) but not own a single plain white crewneck t-shirt. It’s infuriating. So one of my goals for 2020 was to “invest in basics” – and make sure that my closet had the things I truly find myself reaching for week after week. I finally stocked up on some nice plain t-shirts and it gave me such a boost of happiness.
  7. More people live alone now than ever before in history (a fact that in better times would be a pleasant reflection on women’s economic growth) – but what does that mean in a pandemic? This round-up of people quarantining alone around the world was equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking.
  8. More than ever I find that I want to support small businesses right now. I’ve placed orders from: Brooklyn Candle Studio (my favorite candles), Neely & Chloe (a vintage inspired handbag company based in New York – they’re having a major sale so I finally bought a style I’d been eyeing for ages and am so impressed with the quality), Reformation (the prettiest dresses that are also sustainably made) and McNally Jackson & Strand (for books, naturally). Every little bit helps.
  9. If you need a pick-me-up, I highly suggest catching up on the SNL At Home episodes. Out of all of the strange little skits that the cast has thrown together from the confines of their apartments – this one with Aidy Bryant, where she digs back through some of her childhood journals, might have made me laugh the most.
  10. I’m all about a comfortable “house dress” at the moment and the one I’m wearing in the photo above is a new favorite. Likewise for the floral denim jacket below, which is so cute for spring/summer and looks great with a simple tee. And as always – everything is better when surrounded by fresh flowers.


Over the course of the past 6+ weeks (how has it been that long?!) of working from home I’ve developed a simple formula that gets me ready for Zoom meetings in less than 5 minutes flat. Most of the time I spend the days in a simple pair of jeans and t-shirt anyway – but when I know I need to be camera ready for a conference call I throw on a great blazer and add one distinct accessory. A pretty scarf, headband that helps to hide my incessantly growing roots or a layered necklace. That’s it, and I instantly feel put together and presentable. I highly suggest it the next time your boss suddenly wants to Facetime.




*All blazers picture above gifted from my friends at Talbots. They’re my go to for a great quality blazer at a good price. Striped and linen are from past seasons, gingham and chambray are current season.


I think everyone has developed their own approach to this whole quarantine thing by this point. And if your approach involves a rotation of sweatpants – power to you. But for me (partially because I have video calls for work almost every day of the work week – and partially because it just feels too strange not to), I’ve been getting “dressed” every day. Not always as dressed up as I’d be at the office, but at the very least – jeans and a top or a loose dress that feels comfortable while somewhat “normal”. Sure – I’m rarely wearing shoes and my hair may or may not be full of dry shampoo, but it’s something.

Here – a week’s worth of quarantine outfits. Linked actual items if still available and if not, something similar.







It took me about four hours on the first “work from home” day to realize I needed to make a change to my desk space.. and quickly. Since Adam and I both work full time in an office, the desk and chair that is tucked into the corner of our bedroom was used solely as a storage space for stacks of books or laundry, depending on the day. After two years in our apartment, it’s the area that got the least use and therefore had demanded the least attention. Below, the “before” shot. Eek.

And then March 13, 2020 rolled around and everything changed. Suddenly I found myself painfully squinting in the mid-day sun at my computer screen, not wanting to close the blinds because they made me feel even more isolated from the world outside my window. I knew the space needed curtains for function and I knew it needed personality – for my sanity.

I hustled to order quick ship draperies and hardware from Calico Corners and after an easy install, love the way the rich, navy fabric adds depth and how it softens the light while still letting me see out to the city around me.

Without wanting to spend more on things that weren’t exactly “essential” right now – I borrowed from other spaces in the apartment to fill in the space. A lamp from our entryway to add light when I work late, plants and artwork from the mantle to give this corner some life, a basket on the floor beside me to organize all those scattered books.

I’d love to add a patterned pillow for back support down the line and maybe switch up the artwork, but for now – I’m happy to spend my days in a space that feels much more functional – and aesthetically pleasing. Even within the confines of this strange new reality. Below the “after” shot. Muchhh better, right?

Head to Calico Corners blog to see the full guest post I did with them today – and thanks for having me Calico!